A teacher in the school braved the lion's den and suggested the jeans and positive notes. The jeans met with no. The positive notes, well, it was suggested that the brave one write the notes.
Then the brave one suggested that the administration party with the peons when there are baby showers or such at school.
“Not my thing.”
(Ms. Chili, you really can't make this stuff up.)
Ok, so no joy from above.
I have kids who will not come to class but expect to pass.
I did think of something I can do that costs no money (well, very little), will have an impact, and doesn't put me out.
There are dead times in my class. I confess, I do not teach bell to bell. (Shoot me.) I am going to challenge my students to write a nice to note to some teacher who has done something nice for them. Or a counselor, a janitor, the lunch lady, the nurse, a secretary, even the administration.
We should be able to do a round of this at least once a month.
Then, stick them in mailboxes.
Some kids won't do this. It's sad when kids are gratitude-bereft, but it happens.
Not doing promo post tonight
4 hours ago
Can't believe the jeans met with a no, but then again, I am surprised you can't wear jeans. I wear them whenever I want, sweat pants and shorts too, when the weather is hot. We have no teacher dress code.
He wants a stricter dress code. He feels we have no discipline when we wear jeans. Of course, it was pointed out when we get to wear them (early release days, before holidays) no other reasons for discipline issues there.
You know what, Ricochet? Sometimes I worry that people will think that I make my stories up. Hand to God, though; the only thing I change is the identities. Literally everything else I write about is as it happens to me. Truly, I'm not creative enough to come up with the kind of material my job offers me.
WHAT does it cost to let teachers wear jeans once a week?! My school doesn't have an official teacher dress code, either (we don't need one), but by mutual consent, we 'dress down' (which means jeans and no ties for the gentlemen) on Fridays. It's really a non-issue for the kids; your AP is just out for control.
What. Ever.
It's more than control. It has to be pathological. Why not alternate which period is long so that ALL the kids have time to make up work? I am laying groundwork to get out of here - but there are no jobs anywhere reasonable.
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