let them text for a few minutes during class. So what do you think?
I deal with bad language, cheating, fights, lack of ambition, dip (and spitting), lack of attendance, tardies - and cell phones. Maybe this is a solution to a part of it.
I give candy as an occasional reward. My students then cannot differentiate between an occasional treat and an entitlement for them to eat whatever whenever. Did I mention that picking up after themselves doesn't appear to be a skill they have mastered. I will not be buying candy next year. I am tired of the arguments. So, no candy.
I just envision allowing a one time, 5 minute at the beginning of class will lead to them checking all period - and let's not even talk about tests.
What do you think?
4 hours ago
They get messages every thrity seconds so a one time check will not satisfy them at all.
It's a tough fight, do what you can but don't condone, even for 5 minutes.
Their favorite excuse--I was checking the time.
Definitely not at the beginning of class...maybe at the end? I taught years ago and didn't have this problem; I don't know how I would have handled it!
best wishes!
If they get them out in the beginning, they'll never put them away.
Pfft - I never allow it - and I was FURIOUS with my sub for maternity leave when I found out he let my kids use them (and gave them 'free time') at the end of the period each day. Let me tell you, that stopped FAST when I got back.
Still took two weeks before the complaints stopped, and I'm STILL confiscating the darned things. *grumble grumble*
And to top it off, my kids all bombed their benchmark test with him. 6 weeks of learning right before state tests down the drain... and people wonder why I didn't take more time off!
The only kids who have permission to have cell phones on are those with children - which have only been a handful through my (admittedly short so far) career. I allow that only because I make a big deal about how I follow the same rules I set for them, and I keep MY phone on in case of family emergencies. I also warn them that if I THINK they're abusing it, then they won't get even that much.
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