What do students do when you hand them the review for the test tomorrow? Star working? Pull the previous week's work to review and use on the review?
Sit there like a bump on a log - waiting for me to do the work?
Finally asking me "Ricochet, will you give us the answers?"
I told them I needed them to TRY. To do some work, then we would go over it.
They. Did. Nothing. Nada. Zip.
So, after waiting them out for half the class, I wrote the work on the board. Not the answers, the work.
For example if the problem was: How much will you spend if you buy 3 cans of corn at 79 cents each?
I wrote: 3 X 0.79 =
And I did that for the entire review. Sometimes it was a/b if they needed to use the answer from part a and divide it by the answer from part b.
Then I gave them time to work (and they finally did). THEN I went through and we worked the review together.
What are we coming to if that is considered acceptable?
Not doing promo post tonight
3 hours ago
They're being lazy, aren't they? Let's hope when it comes to the test, they can figure out to change the words into numbers!
They've checked out. There are 3 more weeks. AAARRRGGGHHH
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