I teach a handicapped boy. What the handicap is, is irrelevant. He is really sweet and likes to get up and dance. And normally, I don't care. But I am aware that there is a big difference between laughing with someone and laughing at them.
There are two jackals in this class. It is obvious they were born handicapped as well (no hearts) and prod Sweetie into dancing so they can laugh at him.
Sweetie doesn't see that it is bullying (for which I am grateful). Talking to the jackals does no good as, like most bullies, they twist what you are saying and make what they are doing sound so reasonable. (I talked with a couple of the other kids, ones I know will work with Sweetie and help him - they agree with my assessment. The jackals only help themselves.)
None of the moms will be any help.
Sweetie's lives in the Valley of Denial.
One jackal's mom is a handwringer. The other will attack you if you suggest her DARLING boy did ANYTHING less than perfection. (I mistyped Darling as Darkling - it is closer to the truth.) I will not miss either jackal when this year is over.
I feel like I should write the jackals up - but I cannot see how to do this as they are not overt in anything that they do. I don't want to rock Sweetie's boat.
The jackals are so good they don't even use vocabulary that will let me get them under the radar.
Not doing promo post tonight
3 hours ago
Maybe you can treat them like the bad dogs that they are. When they start their nonsense, just say loudly and firmly, "NO! STOP!", and if they give you any argument, just don't respond to their stuff and just keep repeating with the stern teacher face and a shaking of the head, "NO! STOP!" and maybe to the sweetie boy say, "now is not the right time to dance, maybe after class".
Anyway, good luck ... sounds like you have your hands full of frustration with this and that this year.
Ms. Cookie
That's pretty much what I do with Sweetie. The jackals twist everything and I lose more control.
One uses Jesus Christ as punctuation. I mentioned that I find it offensive and called home. The mother said he was calling for help from above (right - I am too stupid to tell the difference) and now he pontificates on how Jesus has saved his soul. Of course, that assumes he has one.
He asked why I found it offensive and I (in a reasonable tone of voice) explained that I do not have to justify what offends me - that it offends me and I have told you as a warning should be sufficient.
So, reasonable that I could call them out - absolutely not worth it to people who do not care about societal norms.
Count the days, protect Sweetie, and figure a comeupance is coming. But not from me.
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