Let's see, first I was told to go and the only useful information I got was a URL.
She read the powerpoint. When someone asked a question, she would pull up the IMPORTANT SLIDE - the one with the BOLD and HIGHLIGHTED words, point to them, and READ THEM AGAIN.
Did I mention that she read the powerpoint?
A Brief History of Blackboards and Slates
1 hour ago
Sounds like my day yesterday. We were told Friday that we had to go to this conference on Tuesday - DOWNTOWN! I spent nearly an hour and a half in my freakin' car just to get there!!!
Then, even worse, the speaker was the same man who was there a few months ago, and he said EXACTLY THE SAME THING -- VERBATIM!!!! Oh, it was excruciating! The same 'witty anecdotes,' the same examples, the same snappy remarks, ugh!
(I really wish you could fix your typos after posting, instead of deleting your comment!)
ahhh the great professional development. Just think how much money was spent on it too. Money for the subs that were in your class, money for the speaker, money for the copies, and who knows what else.
And what did you get out all of that money spent? Apparently nothing
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