Thursday, December 23, 2010

Permanent Marker causes student to be arrested

Actually, that should read possession of permanent marker causes student to be arrested.

Apparently it bothered the the teacher that the permanent marker bled through paper to the the desk so she had the middle schooler arrested.

What a jackwagon.

Step closer, grasshopper, and let me give you some VERY useful tips.

First, Fabuloso. This stuff is awesome at cleaning desks and walls. And it smells like oranges.

Second, your handy dandy dry erase marker. (I know you all will try this - it is ok. I promise it works) Color the permanent marker with dry erase. And wipe. Sometimes you have to do it a couple of times.

Having used a permanent marker on a white board before, this is useful to know.

So, wish I could have told the jackwagon teacher before she decided to be a dipwad.

Merry Christmas!!!

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