Saturday, December 4, 2010


Read this and this.

Holland Reynolds, 16 years old, struggled to finish the race but finally crawled the last 2 feet. This allowed her team to win even though she herself came in dead last. She was determined to finish for her coach.

Coaches, teachers: would your students do this for you?

Would you do this for the people you work with?


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

My answer to your first question is a resounding no!

My answer to your second question is: I hope so.

Ricochet said...

Thank you for the rest of the story.

I was just blown away by what she did. Now I want to turn this into a teachable moment. said...

This took place in my hometown, Fresno. Made me cry. And yes, I have students who would have done that, and yes, I had coworkers at that same school who would have done that for one another. Although a crazy institution, our inner city high school staff always pulled together for their own, be it kid or adult.