They announced Teacher of the year to the entire school last week.
I didn't get it, lol. But I did have several parents write wonderful letters which were given to me. That means so much and makes such a difference in teaching, to know that someone recognizes what you do.
Mr. Hulk had a meeting after school to recognize the teacher selected and to acknowledge all of the teachers who were nominated by students and parents. Wow.
A Brief History of Blackboards and Slates
4 hours ago
I actually won one year but it was a major fight with the principal. For years before, whenever my name was brought up, he knocked it down. One time he even told a group of parents I was not the type of teacher he was looking for.
The year I won, the PTA president, along with her son, who was in my AP class, went to all my classes and got nominating letters from my students. When they presented almost 100 letters to the principal, his mouth dropped and he agreed.
That year, he made no mention of the award at our staff development day and when all teacher award winners of the year walked across the stage at graduation, I was omitted. He paid a big price for this because I let him and everyone else know about his omission every chance I got.
And you are definitely my choice for teacher of the year!!
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