Sunday, October 17, 2010

Mi casa es su casa

Somewhere along the line, that is the message the students get. I am intrigued and annoyed by the things they seem to think are my responsibility. This week:

* I put decorations up for fall - at least 3 think they are entitled to have the decorations. One asked. (I said no)

* English classes are doing a project. My students seem to think it is my responsibility to give them glue, tape, construction paper, props and time in my class to do their project. (no)

* "I haven't been to the library yet this year" "when I assign a project, we will go" (or, no)

* (from a student, not passing, while we are reviewing for a test) "Can I have paper and colored pencils? I'm bored"

I don't get it.


Mrs. Chili said...

The other day, I had a kid say (out loud and in front of witnesses) that he didn't like to think. THAT was a fun parent-teacher conference.

Really, though, I wouldn't believe half of the things my teacher buddies say if similar stuff didn't actually happen to me. I am often left after exchanges with my little geniuses with my jaw in my lap...

Ricochet said...

I liked the kids talking about the English project. "I can't believe they won't let us watch movies" (I thought of you) and "I am so going to fail this. I didn't read the book" "So, why didn't you read the back of the book?"

Both of these students have a teacher who has not problem being the reason you don't graduate.