Saturday, June 26, 2010

Six Word Saturday

I never would've thought of that.

For more Six Word Saturday participants, click here.

I think sometimes we get so bogged down in the day to day that we forget to just sit and think: sit on a riverbank, in a hammock, at the beach - turn off the tv, turn off the noise and just think.

And talk - talking with other people who do the same kinds of things or completely different things can lead you to an AHA moment.

How do I prepare my kids to pass high stakes tests?
How can I present material so that they GET IT?
How can I share what I know?

Here's to just thinking.


soulbrush said...

education can be a minefield, i know because i am part of it.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

I have to write to think. Unfortunately, my writing tool is my laptop, and I often get sidetracked from my primary task by surfing the Web.


Shireen Dadmehr said...

I like your reminder (and your thinking :) ). It seems like a lot of the answers we need can be found this way instead of thinking we always have to go to other experts to get solutions.

Ms. Cookie

Ricochet said...

My problem is doubting myself that I have anything valid to offer. And slowing down enough that I can think. I have ADD and there are times I envision my mind as a whirling dervish - and at that point I just want to stop spinning so that I can see what is going on.

This is my goal for this summer.

Caroline said...

Great six words.
Sounds like me from time to time.


Call Me Cate said...

I love your six words - thanks for playing! I hope the answers come to you. And you've inspired me to take a few minutes to sit and think today.

maddie/cadesmimi said...

Heres to "just thinking"! I had several hours of it last night when the power was off...I kept thinking how miserable it was without electricity!!! My SWS post is at

No Names Please said...

Love your words