Saturday, June 19, 2010

Six Word Saturday

Teachers act as bad as kids.

For more Six Word Saturday participants, click here.

I was in a class all week. The students (teachers) would talk during instruction, blurt out answers when asked not to, not listen to instruction - sheesh.

The worst offender didn't even blurt out the RIGHT answers. Don't you think at a certain point you'd stop embarrassing yourself? I am proud of myself for not saying anything to her - I am not going to see her again and don't care if she corrects that r not, but I wish she had given me time to think through the problems.


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

"Those" teachers should not be teachers!

Tripping to Panama!

Hootin Anni said...

My 6 words for this -->They need a principal's office there.

Here's mine...Saturday's post Do come by to say hi, if you can.

Caty said...

there's one of those in every class at least and in every profession! Happy 6WS!

Caroline said...

I know a couple teachers like that.

Happy 6WS

brandi said...

~no detention slip given for their lack of respect? warm wishes and brightest blessings~

Ricochet said...

It was very interesting watching the teacher (of the class) regaining control without losing his. Something else to learn.

maddie/cadesmimi said...

Oh, I know what you mean...some educators act much worse in meetings than the students that they are always criticizing!

Margaret Ann said...

My 6 for you: "Courtesy is a lost art...everywhere!"

Happy SWS! :)