Friday, June 11, 2010

Here is the original

1.Repeat the number 8 one hundred times in a row to somebody. At the end (assuming they didn’t leave or punch you in the nose) ask them what number you were saying. Chances of success: extremely high.
2.Now ask (for your sake) a different person after repeating 38502 twenty times in a row (still 100 numbers spoken), what five numbers you were saying. Chances of success: high.
3.Find a third person and tell them any random string of one hundred numbers and ask them to repeat it. Chances of success: essentially zero.
4.Ask them about the first number of the sequence. Chances of success: low.
5.Ask them about the first five numbers of the sequence. Chances of success: essentially zero.
Adam Glesser

The entire article is worth reading.

The topic is worth discussing.

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