Sometimes you just get to sit back and watch Karma happen.
HighMaintenance is teaching with Funsucker this year and they are having problems. HM cannot plan more than a day in advance. It occurred to me yesterday when I was trying to plan with her that a) she probably thought she was being helpful even though she was contributing absolutely nothing b) she thinks I am a pain in the butt (I am) C) she feels like she has jumped through these hoops a million times already and doesn’t need to do this on any schedule other than her own. Her lack of planning is causing tremendous stress for her and for everyone around her but she is not going to change. Somehow we are supposed to aleviate the stress or sympethize with her.
She put on such a wonderful dog and pony show that the Powers That Be think she is awesomeness personified and cannot see that her students and the other teachers are suffering because she is not a team player.
I have come to see Funsucker in another light. She didn’t want to plan with me last year because she had taught the course before and knew what she was doing and wasn’t terribly interested in my input. (Hey, I can understand that. I'm not terribly interested in hers either.)
This year, she is not comfortable with the math and really wants a plan and communication and is getting neither. And the kids are suffering.
They had a meeting early last week with an administrator to discuss planning. Haven’t heard yet what was said . High Maintenance has decided that she doesn’t like the planning calendar the rest of the teachers are using for a particular math so she has modified it - radically – for her students. We may be back on the same page by the end of February. I do not know if the Powers That Be – who do not understand or remember the math – understand this.
It would be like a group of teachers agreeing to teach the book from chapter 1 to chapter 12 and another teacher deciding that it made more sense to teach all of the odd chapters followed by all of the even chapters.. You cannot plan together if you are not doing the same order. And, while we occasionally teach the same things, we are not following the same path.
I will say that Funsucker is going out of her way to get along with me this year and I am being courteous. High Maintenance is not impacting me because I interact with her as little as possible.
One more day and then a break! Won't see many kids so it will be a chance to raise their grdes.
A Brief History of Blackboards and Slates
2 hours ago
1 comment:
We had no team planning in my day. We went into our classrooms, shut the door and did it all on our own. When we got together in the teachers' lounge, we vented our frustrations and/or talked about nonteaching stuff--like what we were going to make for dinner.
I had a few friends whose teaching styles were very different from mine. I'm not sure they would have been my friends if we had been forced to plan together and stay on the same page.
However, successfully planning and cooperating as a team is certainly worth the effort. Kudos to you for not giving up.
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