Saturday, November 21, 2009

Persuasive Essay

It has been a goal at our school that every department do 5 persuasive essays to help the students for the high school graduation test. And I have had my students doing that.

I have had two opportunities in the past month to utilize persuasive essays - apparently effectively. Unfortunately, I cannot use it as a teaching moment. At least, not on a large scale.

I have had two students have to appear in court where the outcome could have been jail. I have written letters, extolling the virtues I can find and asking that they be given another chance.

Not that I am awesome, but in each case, the student was given another chance. On an individual level, I have pointed out that my letter of recommendation was a persuasive essay and that it persuaded the judge to behave in a particular manner.

I wish I could use these as a broader example - but I will take what I can get. The individuals have seen the letters, know how I feel, and were told by the judge that the letter made a difference.

1 comment: said...

Thank you for adding me to your blog roll. I appreciate it.

I love this story as it sounds like some of the things I have done and then tried to use it as a teachable moment for the recalcitrant child.