Monday, September 28, 2009

It's not my fault!!

Student (who spent 6 weeks incarcerated, I don't know for what) asked me what he was missing and needed to catch up on to bring his grade up "I wasn't here, but it's not like it was my fault."

Another student, complaining about my assigning a test for tomorrow, because he will be retaking a state test (for the 3rd time): "It's not my fault I won't be here."

Student, who has slept through every class for the past several weeks and is not failing. "How do I bring my grade up? It's not my fault."

Student, who finally turns something in (2 weeks after it was due) and needs it graded now so she'll be passing when she goes to court: "You need to grade this - it's not my fault."

Teacher, explaining why she is dumping her work on me after she picked it. "I'm overwhelmed. It's not my fault."

Hey, a little personal responsibility goes a long way.

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