I wrote about a teacher who I asked for help. She had taught the course I have before and I wanted her to help me by providing a handout.
She got "stressed out" by having a nightmare (seriously!) and did nothing.
Over the summer I asked for help in determining the pacing (I sent her a pacing guide that I had so she could critique it.) So far nada.
She has planned every meeting about this course when I cannot meet.
Do you feel a little hostility? (I know there is some on my part at this point. I am thinking there may be some on hers.)
I will function ok, but it would be easier with ANY help.
Today, we were at a meeting and she kept making belittling comments about a test. And saying to someone else that it was ok if the someone else had comments because SHE (MS Highmaintenance) hadn't written it. I did. The day after the dog died. And there are errors. Which I would have fixed, but I have been re-creating the wheel in the course I am teaching.
Then she looks at me and says "I hear you have material that you copied for New Teacher?" Stuff I found on the Internet.
"Will you make me a copy?"
I looked at her and said sure. But I never said when.
I am thinking when hell freezes over.
How about you? When do YOU think I ought to make the copies?
On This Day in Math - March 11
59 minutes ago
Next time you go to the copier for other stuff. Because, you see, YOU are better than her. both as a teacher and as a person.
I see the confusion. It isn't paper copies. I mean, that is what I asked her for.
She wants me to copy the 2 CDs worth of stuff I have collected from the internet.
I am thinking the 12th of never; when hell freezes over, or when pigs fly.
I'm thinking the same thing that you are thinking...I can't help myself!
Yup, something about pigs and flying .... DON'T enable her ... you're doing her a favor by not caving. Okay, bitterness (slightly) over.
Ms. Cookie
I called a good friend on the way home and told her I was about to be uber butch and I wanted to share it with someone who would understand.
It is so nice to have found other friends who do as well. Thank you all!! (grinning)
My "oh, I forgot" are going to be so much fun - because I am sure she will never see the connection between my actions and hers.
Ugh. I HATE shit like this. I'm so sorry...
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