Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What would you do?

We have about 5 more days to change grades from last semester. I have a boy who did nothing, nada, bupkis. I think I posted about him a while back. We are supposed to put in 60s rather than 0. When I did that he had a (wait for it) 60!

So I didn't.

He is really working this semester. OK, it's been 2 weeks. But he has done more in 2 weeks than he did all of the rest of the year.

A teacher took me aside today to tell me he had been diagnosed as very depressed over Christmas and was/is being treated.

Dilemma: He can't redo the work in 5 days. He could over this semester - at which point I cannot change the grade from the last semester.

Self-esteem is an issue. Passing is obviously better for self esteem than failing.

He hasn't asked for any consideration at all. He knows he failed last semester.

This is not an honors class I am talking about.

Whatever I do I will feel badly about.


Kim Hughey said...

Does your school average the two semester grades together? For example, say you gave him a 65 for S1 and then talk to him and say all he needs to get for this semester is a 75 to get credit for the entire year? You could say something like. . . I noticed you have really started working and I'd like to meet you half way. I've given you a 65 for 1st semester and now its up to you to do the rest. If you continue working like you are now, you will easily pull out at least a 75 and gain your entire year's credit.

I don't know, just a suggestion, but I'm not sure how you all count your credits.

Ricochet said...

No - it's a 1/2 credit for each semester. So it is pass the 1st semester - or not.

What you are saying would be perfect - but they found too many kids put everything off til May and then couldn't pull it to passing.