New kid has been homeschooled her whole life. She complained to her mother that I didn't teach because of the behavior problems.
I asked her mom WHAT behavior problems. I wasn't lecturing because I am trying to get everyone to take notes on what I taught the first semester. My class has doubled in size.
Her comment: Three of the boys were cussing and I kept having to deal with it (Watch your mouth).
The boys are black and use the N word liberally in their discussions (I take offense) as well as every curse word you can think of in less than normal conversation. If I wrote them up for the profanity (not counting the N word) I would never see them. So I spend most of my time trying to make them see that most people do not talk that way.
If this is "behavior problems" I cannot wait to see her reaction to some of the other things I have seen in class at this school:
* students piercing their own lips and ears during class
* knock down fights that you cannot stop or separate
* students deciding they are done and walking out
* dip (this is the South - I mean tobacco not chip and)
* followed by spitting - on the floor, trashcan, out the window, wherever
* alcohol (this was in class)
* and the proverbial "pants on the ground" (which has included my seeing parts of anatomy that I don't want to)
(I have mentioned that you get reprimanded if you write up "too many")
I am sure there is more - the child isn't ready for prime-time.
3+ Essential Tips on Caring for Newborn Rabbits
58 minutes ago
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