Friday, October 30, 2009

Funsucker update

I met with her AP, I met with my department chair and I feel a little better. One told me she has been a thorn in the side of every teacher she has worked with and this too shall pass. The other told me to treat like an autistic student - don't push too much and giver her space.

In the meantime, I am being treated like some incompetent and feeling unorganized and overwhelmed.

She was nice all week (why not, everyone is doing it her way and, while she gets to teach, she doesn't have to do any of the crap work associated with teaching - like copying and grading. I'd like an "assistant" with my skills as well.) - I want nothing to do with her.

She has started picking on one of my favorite students. Sheila is good student, but she talks too much. Now the funsucker has started writing her up and making everything a battle royale rather than being an adult and finding a better solution. I have about half the class (the ones who do well) who cannot stand her - but she is acting as a divisive element with the class as a whole.

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