Sunday, August 9, 2009

tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow

My car is loaded - but I don't know if I'll be able to put stuff in my room.

I'm sitting here thinking about setting up a Bingo game for tomorrow's meeting. I did that one trip to visit my parents - and my mom didn't disappoint. She hit every square we'd set up.

My principal has a pet phrase. At the last meeting I attended I started keeping track and he said the same phrase 10 times. (And I started keeping track during the meeting. It is a nervous tic.)

I can't say the phrase (he might even recognize that he says it but there is no way he is aware how often he says it) but I think I will at minimum count that. I wonder what else I can predict that he'll do.

I just want my keys and access to my room.


Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow...everything will be just fine, even if everything doesn't go smoothly. Deep breath. Ahh, there!

Ricochet said...

I just dread the meeting. Hours and hours of drivel that could be packaged so much better and effectively.