I knew that the kids I teach are not like the ones my children grew up with. (If that sounds snotty, oh well. I chose to live where I do and to teach where I do.)
I knew that about 5% of the kids that I have taught in this school have been arrested. Probably more, but I can only see arrests after they turn 17.
Well, today, I found another way to look and, just being able to see half the days going back to 1/1/11, I found it is closer to 8%. Which means - if I could see all the days going back to August 2007, it would be much higher. What would it be if I could see their juvey arrests?
Holy Moley. The arrests are for drugs, burglary, stolen property, assault of all different kinds, lying to a police officer (always stupid), burglary - impulse control issues.
And I want them to sit an behave . . .
I have reflections to do.
Happy father's day! Does it surprise you that most of the ones I know of have no father or a step father?
A Brief History of Blackboards and Slates
5 hours ago
No parents at home; no food in the refrigerator; dirty clothes; siblings to care for. And yet, we expect them to think our classes are the best thing since sliced bread, show up every day, and do spectacularly on standardized testing. Who is the stupid one here?
Unfortunately the ones I see think they are entitled to someone else's belongings because they want it. When you see a smart kid, about to graduate, with 2 parents in the home (with jobs) arrested for the third time for grand theft auto and receiving stolen property, it is a bit much.
I know some are barely hanging on. They aren't in class but they aren't getting arrested, either.
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