I teach 9th grade math in an old school in a small county in The South. My students aren't motivated (for the most part) and don't like math (for the most part) and MAY plan on graduating high school (for the most part), so it is a challenge.
I don't have a warm, huggy personality but I work hard to help them succeed at whatever their goals are. Sometimes I succeed. Sometimes, I fail. But I "get knocked own, I get up again, ain't nothin' gonna keep me down." I had a horrible experience with an evil principal. It leaves a mark on you. No matter what I do, I am afraid the current Head Honcho will find me lacking, so I overcomensate.
I love the kids I teach, even when I don't necessarily like them.
I love math. Doing math. Teaching math. Thinking of how to translate other topics into math. I was geek before geek was a word. That's ok too.
On This Day in Math - March 11
1 hour ago
You're right: When you get knocked down (especially by an evil principal), the only thing to do is to get back up. There's absolutely NO point in staying down--it does neither you nor the students you love a darn bit of good.
You gave me the courage to write again.
So write! I'm looking forward to more of your tales!
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