Can you increase rigor without pain?
Who is preparing for Common Core?
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We keep getting told to increase rigor. But, we have dumbed down the academics in order for the kids to pass and no administrator wants to be the one in charge when the grades go down.
I cannot see a way to increase rigor, hold the kids to a higher standard, for a group of students who have not had to work hard without having that painful moment of their grades dropping.
We have taken a baby step - changing how much they can fix a failed test grade. I am struck by the number of students who earned lower than a 50 on a test and still insist "but I need an A in this class."
Well, you have to do better on the tests.
Common Core.
Is anyone in a state planing on doing this? I want to know what preparation they are giving you.
We roll it out next year.
Visiting from 6WS; I'm not a teacher so never heard of common core; hope you get some responses about it.
I know schools have changed so much since I was in school and even since my kids were in school. Its got to be hard to be a teacher these days and work with budget cuts, mandated testing, standards, etc. I salute you for your efforts!
I cannot even begin to tell you how much I agree with you...when did schools stop 'teaching' and start going for passing tests?
It is so unfair to both the kids and the teachers.
Happy 6W Saturday. There is a reason I home school!
We are... currently, my district is sending a handful of us to workshops about it at the county ed offices. Ca is kinda wierd that way.
Additionally, everyone is nervous about the fact we have NO idea what the tests will look like. And we just switched testing groups over the summer...
It looks like it will be good, though... if the tests don't make things worse.
Elaine - can you tell me what grade level you teach? If it is high school, can you email me at ricochet04@gmail.com
we're doing common core and have learned that as a group that slow and steady wins the race. this year is just a department thing...planning/talking/learning.
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