Saturday, July 16, 2011

Six Word Saturday

What a choice: fight or flee.

For more Six Word Saturday participants, click here.

As the APS cheating scandal continues, the new superintendent has removed staff involved and has told 178 teachers resign or be fired.

I don't know how it is where you are, but quitting is really their only option here. Non-renewal is really a kiss of death for your career. As I wrote here and here, non-renewal in Georgia is a career killer. (The young teacher is applying for a teaching job again and not having any luck).

So, what if some of those 178 are really innocent of the charges against them? In this witch hunt, how would you prove you hadn't cheated, that the wrong-to-right erasures were the students own doing?


Saffron Road said...

Believing that it is likely that most are guilty. Using our own history as an example, here they teach all year how to pass the testing. Really hurting our childrens futures.

I do hope that there is a way for any non-guilty to prove themselves.

Susan in SC said...

This is such a sad state of affairs that the teachers would change the answers due to pressure placed on them. They have no choice but to quit and try to get another teaching job. That is if they want to stay in teaching. If I were not guilty, I would probably still quit not wanting to stay where I was not wanted. You would always be looked at suspiciously. So sad for the innocent teachers.

Kasi said...

It is a big choice...(Found your blog from Six Word Saturday!)

Unknown said...

I fear the same type of thing in my own classroom. My students did well - I hope not too well - and I fear that even without cheating, it might appear that way due to erasures or right answers.

So, we're screwed if they don't do well. We're screwed if they do well. It's essentially the same thing as a true witch hunt. Drown and you're not a witch. Float and you're a witch. Either way, you're a witch.

Ricochet said...

Grace Sherwood was ducked, survived (meaning she was proved to be a witch - but lived a long and happy life.

Wonder how she would have done as a teacher.....

Becca said...

What an ordeal! :(

Call Me Cate said...

I've been following this a bit from afar. What a horrible situation that the guilty teachers felt cheating was an acceptable option. And for the innocent who are accused wrongfully, I can't even imagine the anguish. I hope those who should are able to find new jobs and overcome the accusations. I hope everyone has learned from the situation.

Thanks for playing 6WS.