That sounds so dry. I was reading (A Passion for Teaching and Opinions) discuss the economic situation in California. One high school is being told to cur spending 85%. No, there isn't a missing decimal.
Last year, the teachers in our school had to buy our own paper. I learned to use every rebate possibility out there, imperative since I have trouble getting kids to write good notes and I taught without a book.
The notes the kids would take would look like 10, where I had written "If you have a triangle with legs 6 and 8 inches, what would the hypotenuse be? 6*6 + 8*8 = 36 + 64 = 100 square inches. The square root of that is 10 inches [all done with math symbols]" His notes are worthless within minutes. Where if I could get them to draw a picture (labeled) and show the math, the notes are helpful.
If the students do not take worthwhile notes, then I am forced to supplement this but doing the notes for them. (I find it interesting that I am watching the Dog Whisperer as I write this. Am I creating the problem? Or acerbating it?
We have been told we don't have to buy paper next year. I am afraid this means limited copying. So I am trying to find ways around this.
Any ideas?
On This Day in Math - March 11
45 minutes ago
Oh, I didn't mention, did I, that Boss isn't about to tell us WHAT we'll be doing next fall so we could plan ahead, did I?
I give them notes but make them hand write them if they want to use them on an exam. It worked pretty good.
I know what you mean about paper. My husband used to bring me paper from his office. Now I take it from the college I work in at night. I also take their chalk as we are often out of that too.
I am a math teacher, and while we haven't been put into as bad as situations as yours, we have lost a lot of copies the last 2 years.
I have gone to multiple choice tests, with about 5 different versions per test. Everyone of them have the same questions, but the numbering and answers are scrambled. So all I do is provide the answer sheets saving a ton on paper. Cheating has gone done a ton as well.
BTW, my reasoning is quiet simple. Since they don't get partial credit on CST's, the CAHSEE, or SAT's why should they get it in my class?
Mr. W
I have done the same thing on tests (2 or 3 versions, same problems, mixed around). It is always so much fin when the cheaters ask "I got the same answer as MyBuddy but you marked mine wrong." You walk back and look and say "Yes, it is the same answer. It is not the same question."
I hate multiple quess tests - I think I am too sneaky (even when I don't try to be) but if they cut my copies, it is a choice.
You are right about partial credit, though.
POD, i haven't let them use notes on tests, but this would be an incentive.
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