OK I need an opinion. My policy is if you are in class you take whatever quiz or test is being given. I post when they will be in advance (If this is Friday it must be a quiz). I have certain students who are out A LOT. They do not come to tutoring. And they never ask later to take a test. They just do nothing on the one you hand out.
I have no place to send them during the assessment. And I have no way to teach three students on 3 different levels (been out a week, a day, 2 days) while teaching a class of 37 others in a shortened time period.
Am I unreasonable that at 16 and 17 you have to be responsible for learning what you missed and learning it or asking for help? I am available in a bazillion ways.
I want to be fair but fair works both ways.
Write today to Save the VA
5 hours ago
Of course you are unreasonable. If they are out, go to their homes and help them there. Tear yourself into several pieces to give them the individual help they need. If you can't do all this, you aren't much of a teacher. ;-}
You are only one . You do your best, that is obvious. You cannot make them do the right thing. No one can.
Thank you, ladies, I needed the laugh. (Grading papers - they are awful and the material is not difficult).
They need to at least meet you half-way. I can imagine the struggle.
Pissed Off just made me giggle!
I have no other words of wisdom, though, I'm sorry. But, thanks for reminding me how happy I am that I escaped this nonsense!
I kinda want to respond with a "DUH!" but I don't want to be rude. No; it is not unreasonable to expect older teens to take responsibility for their own learning.
What is this "personal responsibility" of which you speak?
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