My favorite joke goes like this:
A flood is imminent. The officials go on the radio and tv and warn everyone to leave.
One man refuses and says “I believe God will save me.”
One of his friends drives out of his way during the evacuation to save the man and says “Jump in – come on!” and the man says “No, thank you. My God will save me.” So the friend drove away, shaking his head.
The water starts rising. The man goes to the top floor of his house. A neighbor in a boat comes along and says “Jump in – come on!” and the man says “No, thank you. My God will save me.” So the neighbor putters off, shaking his head.
The water continues to rise. The man moves to the roof. The authorities send a helicopter and the pilot says “Jump in – come on!” and the man says “No, thank you. My God will save me.” So the pilot flies away, shaking his head.
The water continues to rise. The house is engulfed and the man dies.
He goes to heaven and asks God “Why didn’t you save me?”
And God says “I sent a car, a boat and a helicopter.”
Help is there. You have to recognize it.
Help fell into our laps this week. A teacher with the subject knowledge who actively wants to teach in our school. Rather than call him, the principal is choosing to cover the class with Skype and a parapro.
Don’t think this will work.
On This Day in Math - March 11
37 minutes ago