Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hi, my name is Joe

In an earlier post I talked about a friend who is having a rough year. He brought a sheet of paper with him to the gathering. The teachers in his school were being asked to set 2 goals that they would reach by June.

On the sheet were listed the topics that had been covered in professional development this year that the teachers could choose from.

• Activating Strategies (with multiple strategies underneath this topic)
• Analyzing student data and implementing the data
• Classroom Management
• Collaborative Planning
• Cooperative Co-Teaching
• DOK/Rigor
• Instructional Framework
• Instructional Strategies (with multiple strategies underneath this topic)
• Literacy Across the Curriculum
• Math Workshop Model
• Openings
• Posted student work with commentary
• Student led closings
• Word Wall
• Writing Across the Curriculum

In 90 days they have discussed 15 different things to implement in their teaching styles. That is one every 4 days, except you know they weren't spaced out that much. In all likelihood, they were introduced a half a dozen at a time.

Oh, and teachers, we are taking your planning periods, giving you more preps, more students and please change whatever plans you started with.

Yes, Virginia, we have No Child Left Behind run amok.

I understand why he has started to stutter.

Hi, my name is Joe!
I've got a wife,five kids, and
I work in a button factory.
One day, My boss said to me:
"Hey, Joe! "Are you busy?"
I said, "No."
He said, "push this button with your left hand."

Hi, my name is Joe!
I've got a wife,five kids, and
I work in a button factory.
One day, My boss said to me:
"Hey, Joe! "Are you busy?"
I said, "No."
He said, "push this broom with your right hand."

Hi, my name is Joe!
I've got a wife,five kids, and
I work in a button factory.
One day, My boss said to me:
"Hey, Joe! "Are you busy?"
I said, "No."
He said, "ring this bell with your left foot."

Hi, my name is Joe!
I've got a wife,five kids, and
I work in a button factory.
One day, My boss said to me:
"Hey, Joe! "Are you busy?"
I said, "YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!"


Mrs. Chili said...

One of my dearest regrets is that I never videotaped a very small Beanie singing this. Her version was a little different, but it still made me grin to remember it. Thanks!

vivinfrance said...

a jargon jamboree. Why donb't they just get on and teach, instead of talking about it?