Sunday, July 17, 2011

In actuality, she is nothing to me

I don't know why I cannot let this go. I have no control in this situation. It really no longer impacts my life - as we will not share students and she will not be there to tell me I am not doing it correctly when she is the one screwing up.

I know people in the department gave her recommendations so the could "pass the trash" not because they thought she was any good - although, at one time I think she might have been outstanding.

It is more than what she is doing is wrong - although that gripes me - and she may well be mentally ill. I don't know.

I'm not allowed to run the train
The whistle I can't blow
I'm not the one who designates
How far the train will go
I'm not allowed to blow the steam
Or even ring the bell
But let the damn thing jump the track
And see who catches hell.

Do I feel responsible for her? No, more relieved that she will not be there to bug me this year. She seems to think she is in charge and can delegate work - her job being to tell us the rest of us are wrong.

She has no computer skills - not even rudimentary ones. Therefore, it is not our job to teach her how to do things but to do them for her. Riiiiiight.

Sad part? I could post her name here and she would never find the blog. I have found her employment in the various part time jobs, but she couldn't find a link with her name on it.


Pissedoffteacher said...

I have the same problems about being able to let go. Just let it all out here. It might help.

Mrs. Chili said...

I knew this poem as relating to a boat.

I'm with PO'd; blogs are great for supportive venting. Blast away!