I should feel bad - you're expelled.
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But I don't.
Daily, I watch you make poor choices - not paying attention, not doing any work in class - one that you have already failed and are repeating.
You cannot get to class on time or follow basic rules.
You have taken disrespect for everyone to a new level.
And, as they tend to, the consequences for your actions have caught up with you.
I am sure you will return to school eventually.
Pardon me while I enjoy the silence of your absence and teach the ones who chose to act differently.
teaching those who don't want to learn is never easy. How do we inspire them?
Experts are always advocating class size reduction. I guess the trick is to know who to eliminate. It's good when the students assist in the process, I suppose.
I'm sending you a virtual high five!
One can only hope that this particular student will come around and want to learn and be a better student and citizen in your classroom upon their return. One has to feel sorry for such a student that chooses not to get an education and wonder how their future life will be.
in the meanwhile, enjoy your quiet classroom without them
Tough choice... never know what is going on in the home life that might cause such a disruption....
I know it must be so hard for teachers. My heart goes out to you. So many kids today have these issues. One of them is my grandson, and it just breaks my heart. We love him so much. Currently he is doing his work in the learning center and not in the classroom...so his teachers are getting a break. I hope he will complete his work...and I pray his life will turn around.
Ron, it really makes it easier when they assist.
That Corgi - I wish it were only one student.
Brenda - on the ones I know about - I have spoken with the parents (plural, in one home) and it doesn't appear that it is the ones with the most tragic stories who are bailing.
I guess this is positive?!?
Awww there's probably more to this student than meets the eye. I hope he gets back on track!
While I feel bad for the kid, it has to be better for the ones remaining in the class who are trying to learn. Their class time can't be sacrificed. The difficulty is now figuring out what the next step is for him. I don't envy educators who have to make these decisions.
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