Thursday, September 9, 2010

I asked kids for feedback on how to teach Algebra 2

Two students responded.

One suggested I do word finds and "funner" worksheets.

One suggested I write larger on the "bored".

I can see how the latter will help (since she broke her glasses and is using an old set since her mother won't buy a new pair I don't think I can write large enough).

I am still puzzling over how the other works at all.

If I use the Pizzazz type worksheets, they cheat and don't do the math.

Oy Vey!


Pissedoffteacher said...

Just teach, the way you do. The kids don't have a clue, you know what is best. They are always looking for the easy way out.

I tell them they don't have to love the subject, just get through. It is like a fire wall they need to penetrate to succeed in the rest of their lives.

LSquared32 said...

f(t) had some good ideas thoughts on worksheets, I thought... back around November 2009? I think perhaps that not all fun worksheets are hopeless. On the other hand, if what the student thinks is fun are word searches then you may as well ignore the whole thing--word searches are a good candidate for the least educational thing students are asked to do in school.