Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I am more confused than I was as a first year teacher

I wrote earlier that this year's mandate is we are to take our kids from where they are and get them to experience everything at a higher level.

The administration says if you are at level 1 go to level 2.

If I look at the state tests, about 80% is level 1 and 2.

OK, not a problem. Make tests where you can pass (70-80%) at level 1 and 2 - but you don't get an A or B if you cannot answer the higher level questions. Makes sense, right?

So why does the teacher making the tests we have to use insist of 80% higher level and minimal 1s and 2s? And any discussion gives her the vapors.

I don't how to teach the kids I have to hit that target.

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