Do Northerners wear blankets outside in the cold?
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Went to an early morning outside event when the temperature was a balmy 20 degrees. Pretty much all of the women there had on warm clothes, coats, and a blanket wrapped around them. Is this what our neighbors up north do under similar circumstances? Because it looked silly. (No, I had on many layers and my blanket was nice and warm and on my bed)
I don't know if blankets look silly or not...but I guess people just do what they need to do sometimes. :) I HATE getting out in the cold, so if I were a Northener I may be one who resorts to such measures??? I don't know???
Happy Saturday!
Warm Wishes; Have a nice Saturday
Much love
Outside, inside; it doesn't matter. Stay bundled up til March or April.
Absolutely! I even have a blanket on me in the house.
Well, some do some don't. It all depends on the person I think. Blankets, a nice soft one is just marvelous to cuddle in while watching television, winter or summer for me!
I was raised in Wisconsin and went to college in Minnesota, so I get to assume the mantle of authority. NO to the blankets. Layers are better. However, I love comfort, and if a blanket will transport me to my happy place, I am willing to give it a try.
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