Feeling overwhelmed but looking for calm.
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I am not feeling the Christmas spirit.
I am feeling like I will never catch up - and realizing that I am not using my time as wisely as I could.
Time to set a timer and chip away at the to-dos 15 minutes at a time.
Edited 5 minutes later: read this and this and I am feeling more Christmasy.
I'm currently working on a really BIG project at work - the amount we have to do is daunting and scary. My boss keeps asking me the question 'How do you eat an elephant' - the answer 'one small bite at a time'
So much the same, my advice to you is 'don't look at the whole elephant (tasks in front of you) but just focus on one bite at a time (one thing at a time)
Good luck with it all
calm will arrive on the 26th. merry xmas.
If you look for calm, it will come!
I empathise completely with this.
It's the only way to cope with it all.
They just had a broadcast on our morning news about this feeling...and you need to take some time for you.....no matter what we do it's coming prepared or not and it will all be just like a well planned and served meal...it's over far too quickly for yourself to get all stressed out....everything will come as it may.....blessings for you!
calm comes in the way of deep breaths!
All the kids are home. The tree is up. Cookies have baked all day. It's a Wonderful Life is on in a bit.
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