Personal responsibility.
Man up.
Seems like such a simple concept. What I do I do.
I tell my classes that I cannot care about their grade more than they do. I am not sure how they hear that, but it infuriated several of them.
I care. I teach. I try to make it make sense. I will re-explain anything that I need to. I copy notes because I know it is difficult for some students to read the board.
They can afford to own and operate a car but cannot afford glasses. Or else, they don't look cool and they would rather sit where they cannot see than move and read the board.
Personal responsibility.
I taught a problem from the book this week then gave it as a quiz.
The talkers swore I had never taught this. I wasn't being FAIR (oh, the horror). They were going to fail my class.
Well, if they continue to make the same choices, yes, they will.
I not only worked the problem. I wrote it out. I circled it. I said "write this down". I reminded them what it means when a teacher says "write this down".
I cannot care more than they do.
If they choose to face forward, stop talking, and try, they will probably pass.
I wonder how I think I can teach them if they never listen to what I say?
But it isn't just the students.
I have a friend at another school who is very close to me, but doesn't take advice well. We all have friends like that. He can be a dynamic lecturer but he is lazy. He uses inappropriate worksheets to teach. Not nasty, but not rich in math either. He never really tests the kids to see what they know - and they bluff their way through the daily work.
He pompously lectures other teachers about how to teach.
[I read that and wonder WHY he is my friend - but there are redeeming qualities. I just think he is a lousy teacher and cannot see the log in his own eye for the mote in someone else's.]
He became ill with an incurable gastro-intestinal thing that laid him up. He is afraid his job is in jeopardy because he is having difficulty being at work. In fact, he has been placed on short term disability.
His job is in danger, but not because of his illness.
He failed close to 50% of his students - and a higher percentage of the special ed students.
He says he is all about rigor.
Not with the crap he hands the kids to do in class.
Not grading it for completion and not accuracy.
Personal responsibility. He needs to re-examine his teaching methods.
Personal responsibility. The administration is tasked with ensuring teacher quality. I wonder where his is. Surely they have some idea how he teaches. I do because he brags about it - not seeing the connection.
Am I as good as I should be? As good as I want to be? No. And I strive daily to do my part. But I don't run around telling everyone else they aren't good enough. (I save that for here!!)
I cannot be everything to everybody.
A beautiful day in the neighborhood (well, the backyard)
53 minutes ago
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