I do more - they do less.
But if I do less, they do nothing.
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We are being told to do rigor. To move out of Bloom's level 1 to a more rigorous level of understanding. To have the students do more than regurgitate the information. And how do I do this when they cannot regurgitate or remember the skills they were to have learned in prior years? When they think they can pass a class by turning in a test with nothing on it but their name. ("I freeze up during tests." Fine. Then find some way - other than sleeping in my class - that conveys to me that you know the material and gives me something to grade. And, yes, that was the conversation I had with a student that started with me saying "I like you fine but you are going to fail this class again if you keep turning in tests with nothing on them.")
Yes, PO, not everyone should pass - or graduate from high school. I know if they cannot pass my tests, they will not pass the graduation test. Should I fail them and have them give up - or should I pass them, knowing they know little to nothing, knowing they will not graduate because they cannot pass the graduation test?
It is a new math test. Up til now, they usually fail social studies or science.
I know you do.
It gives me a feeling of community that the kids are the same all over. We have crippled them.
At my son's school, they allow him to retake tests and let him take them another day if he wants to. It drives me mad. This is not a good preparation for the real world. In high school, they need to know that you do it now because perhaps a future boss is not going to keep extending deadlines. Happy Saturday!
I have this happening in my HOME right now. Oh, the joys of living with teenaged girls!
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