I build into my grading scheme some easy items. They have benefit to the students and they help balance the grade (read: they should raise your grade but they won't if YOU DON'T TURN IT IN).
The students in my school do not believe in deadlines. Deadlines have become useless (are you listening, Mr. Hulk?) because the administration sets a deadline, so we set a deadline with the students. Then 2 weeks later, the administration will make an announcement that they have extended the original deadline.
So, the kids feel that every deadline is flexible.
I entered my grades 3 weeks ago. There was a date which was the last time I can enter the grade easily. And I told them, there is one more deadline where I can fill out paperwork and someone can change the grade. After that, it takes an act of congress to get the grade changed. And since I had hounded, begged, nagged, pleaded, cajoled, nagged to get work for 6 weeks, I was finished.
About 6 students couldn't be bothered - I figure at least 2 will come to me this week and ask about their grade. I cannot do anything now.
So, now I am working on this semester. I gave them a quiz grade for a week's worth of warmup. We do one question a day from an end of course test (to cement their knowledge). The problems are handed to them. They are multiple choice. We go over them. They can copy from their neighbor. It is printed on the warmup when it was due. And yet, I have half.
So, tomorrow, I will be back to asking these seniors to turn papers in.
They do not take ownership of their education on any level.
4+ Compelling Quizzes To Determine If You Are In Love
14 minutes ago
I can relate to this problem. It's because of all the "last" chances that were pushed back over and over. "No deadline can really be firm, can it?" they think.
Just do as I do: no more extended deadlines. It's due when I say it's due, and that's that. You may have a few nasty fights on your hands but eventually they'll get the message.
I have firm deadlines. It is the administration that comes along and says as a school we have extended the deadline - and mine are now mush.
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