* the sub I had for Funsucker was actually more of a pain than the original: she kept texting on her phone and having borderline conversations with the students. She is about 20 and they know her as a previous student at the high school.
* Our grades had to be in a couple of weeks ago but we are given one. more. chance. for the kids to raise their grades. I have had two argue with me that it is too much work (to do what they have been asked to do for months). I just keep telling them: "so don't do it." My grades are already in (remember, as of several weeks ago). If you want a change, this is the non-negotiable price. Guess I have to call home again, because the kids actually think there is a negotiation going on.
* Denise is showing promise. She just doesn't use the vocabulary I am used to. My problem is getting her to acknowlege it isn't MY vocabulary but a normal math vocabulary.
3+ Essential Tips on Caring for Newborn Rabbits
59 minutes ago
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