A great start: a new year!
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My classes are working so much better than last year - a few bumps, but for the most part the kids are working and doing what they are supposed to.
I cannot find a better approach for special right triangles that helps them learn it, know it. I think they are making it too hard.
Good news that things are working well for your class so far.
Have a great year.
I'm sure you've already actually drawn the squares on the sides of the triangle (3x3, 4x4, 5x5) right?
Ron, I did. I am going to try using yarn and kids and doing it big.
What if I buy 3 colors of chunky yarn this weekend. Cut one piece four feet long or less (My desks face the center because I have boards on both ends and there is about 4 feet between the desks). So, cut three three feet long, two six feet long and take yarn to school.
Using a piece six feet long and and one 3 feet long, form a right angle. (the six foot is the long side so too long). Using the second six foot, intersect the long side, cut it, measure it and show it is 3 sqrt 3.
Then do the same for 45-45-90.
The tiles on the floor will help with right angles but I could tape the floor as well.
I am thinking this would help the kinesthetic learner.
Still noodling this around.
Oh yeah...nothing better than this!
Oh my goodness - anything to do with maths makes my eyes glaze over. I have no mathmatical ability whatsoever - words, now words I can work with.
Thirty years after learning it,I have yet to understand where I will use Pythagoras' Theorem in everyday life :-)
I teach high school and have never taught Math, but I am glad that your classes are going well...we start next week! :D
Geometry huh? When I was in school I could do algebra all day long, but the simplest geometry problem and it was all over :( Not sure there's a way to teach for students to understand it.
That so great! :) (Found your blog from Six Word Saturday)
came over from SWS .... I can't believe school started already!
Geometry...not one of the better subjects around my house!
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