Saturday, June 18, 2011

Six Word Saturday

Overwhelmed. Trying to stay on task.

For more Six Word Saturday participants, click here.

Confession: I have a LOT of housework I am behind on. And I really need to prepare better for next year. And I am taking a class requiring writing - which is not my forte. (WHAT was I thinking?)

And there are 6 weeks left this summer.


It will get done. It will get done as well as I can do it.


Kasi said...

Just remember...This too shall pass! :) (Found your blog from Six Word Saturday!)

Susan in SC said...

I have to make lists to stay on task and not get overwhelmed. Hang in there.

Unknown said...

I've just read Kasi's words of this too shall pass and I commented the same thing only moments ago on another blog - serendipidity?

You can only do what you can do, but I can appreciate your feelings of being overwhelmed. Stay strong

Call Me Cate said...

I'm very behind on housework as well. And we're going out of town this weekend, which means I'm feeling the pressure to get things under control.

You'll get it done - the cleaning, the organizing, the writing.